Friday, 2 March 2007 @ 4:41 pm
ii got my results ferr Maths & HMT... maths sooo bad, onli got 54/100!! HMT marks okieee...51/6o, iim happy wif iit but moi maths iis sooo terrible even wif tuition!! Aiyoo, wat 2 duu?? Soo disappointin=(( *sobxx sobxx* OMG can u blieve dat Britney Spears shaved of all her haiir!! Lyk she iiss so totalli bald!! Poor thin, she iiss sufferin 4rm depression orrie watsoeva cuz of Fed-Ex[i tink]. ii wiish she growz back her blonde lockz, she looked prettiier wif HAIR!! But u noe...Bald Is Beautiful..xDDD....Adios 4 now.... && He's My Candyman && |