Tuesday, 3 April 2007 @ 6:15 pm
Long tym no post...lols. Ytd wuz moii nafa 1.6km run. ii nearly culd hav diied...not enough practise..hiyaazz..dunno whtr pass or faiil...aft da run soo breath less..thn l8ter & a grp uff moii fwens pour water on and koolliin oso..hahazz...thn go bak hm wiif Meha bt no strength 2 walk..both uff us feel lyk faintin so we sit @ da benches near de runnin track thn tok & tok...till 4.30pm...thn go bak hm. iim gonna tell u abt da Melissa hse thingy..iit wuz sooo fun. Miie ,Jovena & Rena wen 2 Melissa's hse 4 dis CIP thingy..thn b4 dat go Rena's hse and Sean Yap's hse...ii didnt noe dat Sean wuz Rena's neighbour...lyk OMG! We saw Sean half-naked hahaz & thn we go Mels' hse. On da way liisten 2 Smack That and Sexy Back. Thn at Mels' place we diid prezzies 4 de old folks & we lyk made a big mess & had 2 clean iit up wif out Mels' mother noein...we go 2 da bathroom ii turn on the tap thn da water burst out lyk crazii & got us all wet. Jove go take de vaccum cleaner 2 suck up de glitter but thn Mels' mother wanted 2 bath thn had 2 put iit bak...sigh...we manage 2 clean up de mess & we go play computer...l8ter ate de cheesecake Mels' mother made. So yummo...xD When we abt 2 leave we go play badminton Rena soo gd @ iit...ii lyk soo damn bad...Mels' ok ok lorxx...when Rena hiit da shuttle... thingy iit fell into de big drain!! Mels' had 2 go into de drain 2 take da shuttle...thingy..she soo brave sumre da drain sooo stinky wif sooo manii ants....& l8ter as u noe Rena & ii went bak hm.... ::<3>:: |