Wednesday, 4 July 2007 @ 7:52 pm
There is soo much tuhh write... Today not bad lorxx... Mr Lim has been suddenly smiling for the pass few days.. so weird... Aniwhoo today we had dis survey... Only for the P6s' So we spent arnd 30mins in the computer lab... Lovees the new LCD computer... So bcuz of this miss 30mins of MT not that bothered... During recess got to eat Choc b'day cake this Pr2 gurl was celebrating her birthday Bcuz Meha.Bhanu. Nisa.Saran.Prata&moii were standin lyk near her she gave each of us a slice of cake...the gurl soo kind... The cake also soo yummy... it was dis choc fudge cake or sumting like dat... kays ive gotta say toodles so buh-byes... xoxo-Haema |