Tuesday, 18 December 2007 @ 5:51 pm
hell-ohs ;) the dentist successfully pulled out 2 of my teeth today. from the right side that is. so i was really scared abt the pulling of my teeth i thot it would be really painful but my mum calmed me down by saying the numbing injection will be painful but the pulling of the teeth wont. what she said was true the injection was painful but not the pulling of my teeth since half my face was so numb...:P the pulling of teeth was quite fast but i had excessive bleeding so the gauze in my mouth got easily drenched in a mixture of saliva & blood. it was really uncomfortable. i was so happy to reach home becos on the streets i got stares from people =.-" some ppl are really weird =x the numbing of my mouth was pure torture. my cheeks were pretty much swollen and stuff. but now the numb-ness had pretty much worn off. and the best part is that ive got a good excuse to stuff my face with ice-cream :) you noe another thing... i got my teeth as a souvenir!!! but in the end i threw it away since i'd be getting another 2 teeth as a souvenir this Saturday xP but i really cant eat much things it just feels weird... okay um i'll end it here and oh yeah tmr is the posting result and i cant wait. so bye for now. |