Wednesday, 5 March 2008 @ 1:19 pm
hell-oh ;] never go school today :) im having GASTRIC FLU... fcuk larhs. but i really dont mind. at least i get to miss biology ;) but i will be missing the urgent girl guides meeting must remember to call up Vivien. & i have to wait until tmr to know my history, bio & tamil common test marks, i think. EL - 20/3o Maths - 15.5/35 [UGHH!!] Geog- 8/15 the marks arent really bad...but still Anyways ytd swimming lesson was SUPER-FUN ate cup noodles at school library. & thn cabb-ed to the swimming pool with Eunice :) warmed up at the medium pool with the girls from GRP 5. the water was like damn cold that everyone started shivering. went to the deep pool afterwards & the swimming instructor made us swim one lap across the breath of the pool. i was the first one to swim & i sucessfully swimmed across. waited for the others to finish, thn started fooling arnd in the water. Noelle & fang ling kept doing weird tricks in the water :P eunice, alisah & i kept on laughing at their tricks. LOL The only person who possibly couldnt swim was.... Priyanga. she didnt know how to blow bubbles in the water, kick her legs & relax her body =.-" this are the basics to learn how to swim. the instructor really got fed up of her. it was mostly her fault since she didnt attend the first few lessons & she did not put in enough effort to learn how to swim. im not really gonna bother... after the lesson, had a quick shower & walked to RedHill mrt with Eunice & Noelle. went to mr bean & i bought the cheese pancake :) noelle saw her friend Candy who is studying at Queenstown Sec. Candy is like seriously friendly :) & thn went back home with the 3 of them plus Karin, Ryshire & Syafiq. TOODLES ;] |