Saturday, 28 June 2008 @ 8:53 pm
Hello :D I can't believe one of my super-duper stupid post could cause soooo much confusion! I apologise deeply if anyone got offended. Sorry, yeahs! Anyways, today morning practically pissed me off! Was suppose to have tent-pitching at Guide House, but then it got cancelled last minute! Wth! I woke up 6.15am in the morning and travel all the way to Bishan and this is the crap i get? Thank God Jun Yi and Kalhari were there. We tried calling the other Guides & Janani said that it got cancelled -.- Again, wtf? How come Desiree didn't inform me or the other 2 Guides. But, anyways we went to Junction 8 had our breakfast at LJS! Jun Yi bought to cups of Milo! Wth! Kalhari left, so me and jun yi went to watch Get Smart :) Omg! The movie was damn funny in a very sick and perverted way! But there was some clean jokes also la! The funniest was the totally GAY SCENE! Agent 86 kisses Agent 23, and obviously both are men! Ewww. Then the other part was when Agent 86's pants rip and you like can see his butt! Omfg! HAHA. Oops, spoiler-alert ;x After movie went to tuition :D Saw Kerthana and her bro there :) Ibrahim tutored me today. And yes, i have to agree with Kerthana, he is super good-looking ;x Lol! So yeah, i think that's about it. Toodles ;] |