Friday, 1 August 2008 @ 7:59 pm
Hello :D Today was particularly quite fun ! :D Lessons were fun, esp English all thanks to the sabo-ing of Shi Jie :D LOL. Geog was also fun! And oh, got this month's progress report ! I did well, still maintaining my third position :D Vivien came in first while Jie Mei came in second :) Crystal came in fourth and Afiz, the only guy in the top five, came in fifth, which is so obvious, yeah?! Practically everyone was gobsmacked since nobody expected Afiz to be so smart ! LOL. Most of us thought that it would be Jing Li, but... Went to Mac with Vivien and Estella after school. We had to like queue for almost over 20mins. Sickening ! Didn't go for Guides 'cos i had cramps :x Bleahs! nothin' much to say now. Toodles ;] |