Thursday, 28 August 2008 @ 8:55 pm
Hello :D Today was quite wonderful. PE and Haiqa totally made my day (: First period was PE :D It was raining, so we couldn't use the field. Disappointing. But we still could play soccer in the hall. We didn't have to share the hall with other classes :D Me and Haiqa were the only two girls playing soccer -.- The others played frisbee while some played volleyball. But it was freakin' fun. We kicked high, low and far :D We practised our headers and hat-tricks (: Syafiq kept stilling the ball and we had to go after him everytime ! Shit lah ! but quite funny. After PE was Physic. I got a new nickname thanks to Shaun Haema Goblin ! Derived from the scientific term HAEMOGLOBIN ! Wtf ?! AHAHA. After all that blah,blah,blah. Went to Jurong after school. Buy pressies for teacher's day :D LOL. Can't wait to go back to Pei Tong ! See all my friends (: Total yay-ness ! Toodles ;] |