Friday, 3 October 2008 @ 2:20 pm
Helloh :D It has been 123456789 days since i blogged ! HAHA. I've been mugging hard for the exams. I'm a good girl, yeah ! Huh, whatever. Okay, so had Lit and Maths paper today ! I'm so gonna flunk Lit. I didn't have time to do the last question and so 15 marks just want away like that ! D: Plus another 5 which makes that a total of 20 ! I'm doomed...DOOMED ! My hopes of getting A1 for Lit has been crushed D: But man, Maths paper was easy :D That's pretty good, but i still left out 2 questions. Though, there was same scribbling on it... I'm hoping to at least get an A2 for Lit. Please, please don't let me down ! I studied so hard and this is what i get ?! Always without fail...hmpff. Now i'm wondering who will score the highest. Will it be a guy or a girl ? But i'm doomed, that's for sure :/ Crap ! Byebyebye ! |