Monday, 1 December 2008 @ 8:06 pm
Hello :D Wow, today was sooo awesome ! I went out with Krisha to watch Wild Child :D The movie was effing awesome. It's like the best teen flick i've seen so far. Well, for all i can remember. Haha. And Emma Roberts totally rocks. Ouh, and Alex Pettyfer is bloody hot. Lol. I wanna go watch the movie again ! I can't believe the movie will be released in America like next year, on May 9 or smth. Haha. After the movie, went to Krisha's house. Used lappy and played games until my freakin' brain was fried. Lol. My aunt made some pasta, so ate that. I only left at about 7pm and reached home at about 7.40 or smth lah. Okay, i wanna go play game. Toodles ;] |