Wednesday, 4 February 2009 @ 8:20 pm
Hello, aliens :D Updatesss ! Tuesday Wow, i was laughing for the entire day. It was all thanks to Shao Wei aka retarded asshole :D He told me that he had pet fishes, tortoises and a crab. The really funny part is that.... wait i'll make it a conversation it's easier. Shao Wei : Eh you know that 10 of my fishes died in one day. me: Wth ?! SW: Ya, i came back from my hols and the fish were still alive, but the next day 10 of the fishes die ! me: Wth, lol! I mean it's seriously retarded. And then he say his tortoises and crab escape ! Wth, man ??!! What kind of a owner is he ? Haha. After school cabbed to West Mall with my lovely Giraffe [ Karin] :D We ate at Koufu. Japanese food, yeah...totally yum-o ! And after that i mrt-ed to Lakeside for tuition at Uncle Haja's (: You know how it feels to be the only girl at tuition and you're stuck with a bunch of Sec 4 guys and a P6 boy ? Total hell ! Hari was there, again. So he comes for tuition very Tuesday, hmmm. Anyways, he is very nosey for a guy. He keep asking me questions. Like ' You got bf?' and about my braces and all. And then he came to where i was sitting and he started to play with my pencilcase. Er hello, don't you like know the meaning of 'PERSONAL BELONGING' ? After that, he took my handphone and refused to give it back. Totally annoying, like seriously ! But i couldn't help laughing. Im soooo sooo weird, contracted it from Shao Wei...most probably. Haha. Today Lessons sucked, i felt suckish. I think teachers hate our class, including Mrs Lai. All thanks to Afiz, mr.trouble-maker. Hah. Went to Mac after school with Janani and Amira. I saw dots there...hurhur. Then, had footdrills. Then blahblahblah. Ciao |