Friday, 23 October 2009 @ 4:27 pm
Russian Roulette Hello, My fever has gone down, 37.8 :) I'm addicted to Russian Roulette by Rihanna. I swear it is effing awesome. Go listen. I'm bored. Very bored. Fbing+Youtubing. I just realised so many things around me are changing, mostly people. Changes, so many of them, it's hard to swallow them all at one go. You choke and you sputter 'cos some of the changes are so hard to believe. But eventually, you have to accept these changes and live with them even if you don't like it. Life's like that. It can be unfair at times. And the biggest change is coming soon: streaming and sec three. Anything can happen. Hmmm, wonder when i became all philosophical sounding. Hahaha :D Well, what i have typed is what i feel. It's up to you how you comprehend it. 5.02 pm now. I haven't done anything productive yet. Haha. Ciao. |