Tuesday, 6 March 2007 @ 7:35 pm
ii haf gotten moi other results xD Not dat bad..Sc: 68/100, EL: 75/100[2nd highest]. MT still dunno yet but moii teacher told mwa dat im da highest besides dis other guy...Onli i noe moii booklet B markzz wich iss 30/30!!! So happii!... Dat KC soo wat ah!! He lyk call miie todae n start askin miie sum of moi guy classmatezz HP number wich i didnt haf...den he start pesterin moi 2 tell hiim who ii lyk & as u noe i didnt tell hiim...Seriously dat idiot got sum damn problem..siince lst year pester miie lyk dis..lamo lar he! Den got sum stoopiid rumor spreading around dat ii lyk moi bffl's bro wen iit seriously ISNT TRUE!! Moi bffl iss da 1 who rote her bro's name on da paper & gave iit 2 moi stoopid classmate Maxi! But iim not angrii wif her...iits not her fault & ii wuz der wen da incident took place... My lyf lyk soo damn crazzii...wat 2 do?? Au Revoir ferr now... && im sick and tired of this nonsense&& |