Tuesday, 31 July 2007 @ 7:23 pm
Harllows... again long tym nvr post... To laz-yy...lala... Well got loadsss tuh rite abt! ---------------------------------------- Friday- Went out wif Meha tuh Central for a whole hour...[yess miie mom noes] actually went tuhh buy bubble tea but laterr end up eatin at Mcdonalds'... soo nicexP...but it was outside Mac u noe derr stone tables?! meha bot nuggets&i bot a chicken burger...[moi lunch,Meha l8er go eat at hm] while eatin tok lorhxx... we tok and tok all de way home... ------------------------------------------- Sunday-Moi grandma&moms b'dae...xDD daughter&mom born on derr same day..harhars but beferr dat miie and dad go watch Harry Potter and the order of the phoenix... Loveess it sooo much... im totally a harry potter fanatic... ive watched everii single harry potter moviesxP not derr 6&7 one lyk durrh...><" im soo gonna buy derr DVD when it cums out... aft dat went to granma's hse go celebrate b'day... thn eat,play wif cusins... moii twin cusins sooo cute and adorable man...dey r soo young yet soo smart... thn go back hm.... ---------------------------------------------- Today- Dun really wanna tok abt it...PT soo pian tai todae...go tok abt s** and stuff sae its for our own safety and he was esp concerned abt us gerlls...wth we've got parents who r concerned abt us his concern is sooo unwanted!!! thn we had to write RE abt it... ii copy half derr idea from Wen Xin[spl?] lol... today oso got Sc mock exam.. dat Mr Lim[matthew] keep us back til 4.30pm bcuz of the few whuu were lyk tokin! My mom was dead worried... Tot PT was worse...derr other even worser. well chnged derr sonqq tuh Lily Allen's,Smile hope yoos lyk it...xP --Haema-- |