Wednesday, 10 October 2007 @ 6:08 pm
hello...another usual day-NOT- Surya,Kerthana&I got stuck with the EM3 class today[6independence] and they were seriously UNCIVALISED!! no manners,so rough and pure irritating the girls were okay but thn the guys UGH! they were soo horrid and again xcept for a few so anyways we[der three of us] had this 'survey' but it ended up being a HMT testpaper and they still can call that a 'survey'?! so ytd went to IMM with 'rents & sis to buy my sis a pair of shoes for some was sooo trouble-some cos' her teacher wanted the shoes to be covered and have lots of sequins! and it was really difficult to find a pair that would fit the description. --------------------------------------------- oh ya, kerthana here is your request is this what you wanted?? and you can just copy and pass this or watsoever. id be ending my post here. GOOD-BYE:) |