Monday, 27 August 2007 @ 7:13 pm
RAWRS" got my results for Maths im soo happy....happy,happyxDD i got 68/100!!! a great improvement for someone who like i improved by 10 marks!!! best of all my parents esp my father is really happy!! waitin for my SC results and MT,HMT results...------------ so abt ytd... went to JP...tralalalalalala went to 'THIS FASHION' first bot a top[wth,only one!!] and this jersey dress[not football jersey!] didnt buy more tops coz rushin dont noe what tym This Fashion close so just rushed since we came quite late=.='' thn went to EspiritxD i was like OMG!! there was this grey skinny jeans they were the latest arrival and they cost 129 dollars!!--->WTH i soo this perfect pair of skinny jeans which cost 70 dollars and my mom said i culd buy it but...there was like only one pair left!! dunno if it was my size[seemed kinda big] so din buy--->missed the chance thn went to Levis but that small space was sooo freakin packed soo...thn give up hope on findin that 'right pair of skinny jeans'....shit thn i totally forgot to go to Popular since my mom was rushin meet my dad at Toys 'R' Us to buy my sis a surprise present it was a dang scooter...LAME thn my dad bot her a train set[soo boyish] thn had dinner go back home thn go to sleep--->lmoa OKAY GOTTA GO BUH-BYES HEARTxXx |