Friday, 21 December 2007 @ 4:03 pm
hell-oh!!! :) today went to QWSS. the school like damn big, can get lost easily =O haha... okay my dad & i go search for my name in the list. im in Class 102?! Gosh,i thought it would be in alphabets like 1a,1b...etc but its in numbers. okay anyways after that go sit in the hall then from our school got quite a number of them...Wan Ling,Gerald,Ling Yi,JW,TIAN PAO[ahhhh!!] Ming Ern,Moet Moet aka Grace,Benjamin[NA] and then another two girls from 6E. OMG! im stuck with Gerald,JW&Tian Pao for another 4 years!!! & Sherine ur complaining abt being stuck with Surya[no offence]. thank god only Ling Yi is in my class if not i think i can go mad :P so the principal talktalk... abt discipline and stuff. then what to bring to school... after that go register. my mum came to QWSS aft work thn bought the uniform & PE attire. i love the PE attire. thn went to buy the school books ;) after that go back home... |