Monday, 4 August 2008 @ 8:41 pm
Hello :D One word to describe my mood now: PISSED. Today was quite fun. Music was especially fun...well in a way. Sang 4 NDP songs :D Sweet ! Maths was okay, i suppose... Lots and lots of algebra ! PD was quite,um, well boring. Shaun kept annoying me like non-stop -.- Freak ! Went to Queenstown library with Alisa, Haiqa & Hafizah[ extra :P]. We had to find books on spiders. Bleauggh :x And then come back home. Well, i just found out that my English textbook is MISSING ! Grrr. It's either that i left it under the table by accident & ms Chen confiscated it or i left it on the bus which is like damn stupid -.- I must get prepared to be yelled at by ms Lee :D Hey, it's not my fault that my book went missing. I was just careless. I think i'll just go buy a new book tmr. And wow, i just found out that indian boy <3 is not from 102, but i dunno if it's true. The language he/she is using is damn familiar, but i just don't know who ?! Oh, and does anyone know how to use IP CODE ?! If you do, please teach me how... At least i can find out who the hell the indian dude is. Shitxz ! Life is crap :x Bye. |