Wednesday, 15 August 2007 @ 4:55 pm
ello...hmm PSLE oral tmr&friday!!! wth?...sooo fast,prelim also nxt week! im gonna b sooo stressed well aniwaes went to Jurong Point again last Sunday coz it wuz my sis's b'day... went to toys 'R' us to buy wat else toys for my sis...she bot the Aqua Beads tingy...[she is doin her 'masterpiece' rite now] den i went to john little bot dat 40 dollar bag dat i feel in lurvees with the other tym went dere... i din feel guilty at all buyin der bag coz i used MY OWN MONEYxDD miie mom den bot a wallet she took sooo long to choose der wallet...=.=" aft dat went to Swensens for dinner[a soo called 'family tradition'] i bot the Mac n Cheese....yum!! [i sooo totally burned my tongue while eatin it coz it was friggin hot!!!] mom bot the Vege Baked Rice Sis bot US fries and ice-cream[cant remeber name] Dad bot tomato soup and this Vege crispies or sumtink den topped it all off with der Sticky Chewy Chocolate ice-creamxDD Yummo...den went hm lorhx. i gave miie sis my old polly pocket as her pressiexP but it was still in good condition. soo ive g2g... toodles deary...lols -Haema'' |