Wednesday, 2 January 2008 @ 5:30 pm
Hell-oh ;) its 2008 like really fast. & thnx to my stupid little sister i couldnt blog. okay forget abt that. Today The first day at QSS :) i pretty much enjoyed myself even tho' we didnt do that much. we just had orientation. so went to the hall for the flag raising cere. then some teachers talke-d. went to class. met my new teacher,Ms Chen :) she arranged our places & im sitting beside a girl named Vivian, i think =x after that went for recess met up with Wan Ling JW Tian Pao Min Ern & we went to the pull up bar thing-y since the canteen was like so damn crowded & the upper sec pupils were behaving like hooligans. gerald & lingyi were already there. thn we just talke-d. tian pao & min ern start wrestling =.-" okay aft that we got into minor trouble with one of the prefects. oops-y =x okay it was the guys not wan ling & me :) aft that went back to the hall to continue with the orientation. i think the post will get a lil' too long if i continue with the orientation & stuff. so i'll end here. Toodles :) |