Tuesday, 12 August 2008 @ 9:27 pm
Hello :D Today's my sister's and Syafiq's birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ! :D Okay, i'm utterly shocked ! I thought i came in third ?! How come Afiz got the prize for coming in third ? I thought...i thought. Ooh, nvm. ARGH ! Maybe i'll just take what Fiona Hu said, that maybe there was a tie or smth in the third place and ms Chen decided to award the prize to Afiz for improving and for being the only boy in express for coming in the top three. Uh-huh...okay ! I'll just forget about it. Overall, today was okay. I was hyper...well quite more or less. There was this majourly funny thing were Daryll and Syafiq were discussing about 2pacs,4pacs and 6pacs. I hope you get the point ?! And Syafiq like said he had a 4pac ! Uh-huh ! like i'm suppose to believe that ?! Daryll said he had a 2pac, um quite believable, maybe... LOL. Ooohh, on major SUPER-MAN overload ! :D AHAHAHA. I saw too much of him today, onec again :D Almost knocked into him during recess. Saw him outside staffroom after school. And also while i was waiting at comp lab 1 :D AHAHAHA :D |